Man vs. Wild

As we wrap up our In Living Color series, we find ourselves on a boat with Jesus in the middle of a raging storm. In Matthew 8:23-27, the disciples' problem was not the storm or God's apparent passivity but their fear and lack of faith. Similarly, we can find peace and connection with Christ in chaos and challenges by trusting in God's power and working in their lives.

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Now You See Me

In this message, Daniel Smith, our Students Director, continues our In Living Color series as we get a glimpse into the true appearance of Jesus. In the Transfiguration of Jesus, we see Moses and Elijah affirm Jesus' identity as the Messiah. And we see the loving-kindness of God, who verifies Jesus as the one to trust and follows through on His promises. No matter what has happened to you in this life, there's always a seat on the bus for you to trust and know the loving-kindness of God.

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Dirty Money

We're in Week 5 of our In Living Color series, and today we are in Luke 19:1-10, and we see Jesus' willingness to seek and save the lost, using the story of Zacchaeus as an example. Jeff Parker shares his personal story of redemption and urges others to embrace Jesus' offer of freedom and restoration. There is a transformative power of repentance and the potential for extraordinary change in one's life through Jesus.

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A Walk to Remember

As we continue in our "In Living Color" series, we see people who had unmet expectations and their impact on their lives. You will see how Jesus steps into our pain and addresses our wrong expectations that lead to pain and discouragement. As we walk the road to Emmaus with Jesus, you will see the importance of aligning our expectations with the truth of Scripture and how that gives us a correct narrative that brings transformation.

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Love Is Blind

As we continue in our "In Living Color" series, we see a woman who encountered Jesus and found lasting satisfaction. Learn about the significance of Jesus' interaction with a Samaritan woman and its profound impact on her life, and see how to find true satisfaction and fulfillment by worshiping God in spirit and truth.

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Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! As we celebrate moms this Sunday, we took a look at one of the only moms referenced in our New Testament: Eunice, the mother of Timothy. What we see in Eunice's life is the love that she modeled, the lessons she taught, and the legacy that she left for her son. No matter what stage of life you're in or whether or not you have kids, we can all learn from how Eunice lived her life and the impact she had for Christ's kingdom.

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Hebrews: The Better Community

After twelve incredible weeks in Hebrews, the Pastor ends his message with four things to love and one to resist the urge to love. Hebrews 13:1–6 calls us to love those around us in a way that shows a watching world that followers of Jesus wear a different jersey: the jersey marked by love.

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Hebrews: The Better Discipline

Discipline can be a harsh word. Some of us think of a hard coach or being sent to our room. But Godly discipline is a wonderful thing. Like a parent caring for their child, God disciplines those that he loves. He corrects, guides, trains, and leads his children in the way and path they should go. God's discipline is designed to help his children grow as they draw near to them.

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Hebrews: The Better Guide

We are all running a race called life. It is unique before you and has its joys and struggles along the path. So how do you run this race with endurance and finish well? As we jump back into the book of Hebrews, we see the primary pioneer and perfector of our faith running the race and empowering us to run as well. So let's look to Jesus, who has run his race and now running with us on our own.

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He is Risen! Welcome to Easter Sunday as we celebrate the risen Lord Jesus. From the moment he rose, people responded differently to the reality of the resurrection. Some thought it was a crazy story, and others were just confused. But when people truly encounter the risen Lord, the only proper response is to be fully committed. He is risen. He is risen indeed. And that reality now impacts everything about us.

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Good Friday

What motivated Jesus to endure the cross? What if I told you it was joy? For the joy set before Christ, he endured the cross. In complete obedience to the Father's will, Jesus suffered, died, and was buried. As he walked forward to the cross, Jesus looked beyond it to the joy of eternity with his Father and with his people. In his joy, we find out joy. Jesus endured his suffering so that he might joyfully join you in yours.

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Palm Sunday

What was on Jesus's mind when he entered Jerusalem? From the beginning to the end of passion week, Psalm 118 was on the soundtrack of Jesus's mind. It was sung when he rode in on the donkey and as he closed out the last supper. We think of what he thinks, and we see that Jesus entering Jerusalem was him declaring the steadfast love of the LORD has come for his people. He has come to them, and he has come to us this Palm Sunday.

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Engage the City

God calls us to use our gifts and talents to glorify him for the good of others. This week, we glimpse what the LORD is doing in and through our church body. There are amazing opportunities to get engaged and stay engaged. God wants to use you. So how are you joining into what the LORD is doing?

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Hebrews: The Better Legacy

What is your legacy of faith? Who came before you in your story to be the next link in the long chain that connects back to Jesus Christ? As we close our Hebrews 11, we see the legacy and lineage of faith. As we cling to Christ, we become the faithful who carry the message of Christ forward and impact others in his name. You may have a strong legacy before you, or you may not. But in Christ, you can be the link between Jesus and your family, friends, and others as you impact the world for him.

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Hebrews: The Better Journey

As we continue through the hall of fame of faith, we see "father Abraham," often called "The father of faith." But Abraham was more of the "Father of growing in faith." Faith is a journey of ups and downs, courage, and missteps. The life of Abraham shows what it looks like to have faith and grow in it on the journey with Jesus.

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