Community Groups
Investing relationally toward maturity.
We find people all throughout the New Testament who know the “right answers” and have the appearance of godliness, but lack the most important thing…love.
At CityBridge, we form married, men’s/women’s, and mixed generational groups who meet on a regular basis to connect relationally, share authentically, and be God’s provision for each other. The goal of community is to live out the “one anothers” of scripture. It’s from those same scriptures that we derive our six Community Core Values. The hardest people to love are the church.
Looking for a community group?
At CityBridge Community Church, we form smaller communities within our church body called community groups.
We believe that living life in authentic relationships leads to spiritual transformation and that loving one another, as Jesus loves us, is refining and sanctifying.
Community groups serve two functions:
By living in community, every Member has a care circle in which they will be encouraged, spurred on towards greater faithfulness, and ultimately loved.
Community groups serve as our first line of shepherding the flock as spiritual and physical needs are addressed and met within that circle.
Community Core Values
Pursue Relationally
We pursue deep relationships with one another, based on love and acceptance (Romans 12:10).
Admonish Faithfully
We encourage and admonish one another faithfully towards maturity (Colossians 3:16).
Engage Missionally
We engage intentionally with our communities and the world to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).