As followers of Christ we are committed to being strong in a life of ministry and worship.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” — 1 Peter 4:10
Being strong in ministry is discovering, developing, and deploying our gifts as “good stewards of the grace of God.”
By serving and giving our time to others and to God, our service becomes an agent of growth for us as God continues to refine our lives. Serving is also an important means of building connections with others in the church. Because of this, we ask all members to commit their time and talents to kingdom purposes by serving (at least once a month) in a ministry at CityBridge or with one of our ministry partners.
First Serve Opportunities
New to CityBridge or ready to jump in and find a place to serve? Scroll through the ministry areas below. Click to expand and learn more about your areas of interest. Once you have the information you need to make a commitment, click the “Apply to Serve” button for your selected ministry and fill out the application to serve in that area. Someone from that team will follow up with you shortly.
Each person on our Sunday host team plays a vital role in creating a welcoming & inviting environment for our church body and helping others take their best next step toward connecting with Jesus Christ and His local church.
Volunteers can elect to serve on one of our hospitality teams:
Coffee Team: Once a month, both services
Must be able to engage in small talk with members, creating a sense of community.
Serving coffee and other beverages to members with a friendly and welcoming attitude.
Communion Team: Once a month, both services
Works behind the scenes in setting up the communion tables, along with tear-down.
Greeter: Serve twice a month, one service
You must make eye contact and give a warm welcome. Greet everyone sincerely, whether they are a regular attendee or first-time guest.
Hand out materials.
Usher Team: Serve twice a month, one service
Actively assist guests in seating by engaging with them and walking the aisles.
Be approachable, kind, and genuinely helpful.
Welcome members at the auditorium entrance, offer directions, and create a welcoming atmosphere.
Parking Team: Once a month, both services
Work in inclement weather conditions.
Greet and welcome members along with providing directions.
Physical requirement: may need to carry or lift up to 20 lbs.
Welcome Center: Once a month, one service
Is the vital hub for hospitality, information, and connection. You must be able to provide directions, and information pertaining to classes.
You must also be able to articulate the gospel.
If you have questions about serving with the Sunday Host Team, please email
At our Women's Bible Studies we invite women of all stages and walks of life to study and apply God’s Word in an environment where friendships and spiritual growth can flourish. Serving together is a great way to make new friends, build relationships, and form deeper connections with people you already know. It's a safe place for women to use their gifts as they grow in their biblical understanding. Here are some different opportunities:
Host Team – Arrives early and/or stays after Bible study on either Wednesday morning or Thursday evening. Helps set up check-in stations, prepare rooms and prepare coffee. Greets and welcomes guests.
A/V – Arrives early on either Wednesday mornings or Thursday evenings to assist with audio/visual needs during teaching. Training will be provided.
Email if you have any questions about serving in this area.
Thank you for your interest in serving with Men at CityBridge! Our desire is to help men discover, develop, and deploy their gifts in service to the body and the world.
At our Men’s Bible Study we invite men of all stages and walks of life to study and apply God's Word in an environment where friendships and spiritual growth can flourish.
Serving together is a great way to make new friends, build relationships, and form deeper connections with men you already know. It's a safe place for men to use their gifts as they grow in their biblical understanding. Here are some different opportunities:
Coffee Team – Arrives early on either Thursday mornings or Thursday evenings. Helps to prepare coffee and greets and welcomes guests.
Host Team - Arrives early and/or stays after on either Thursday mornings or Thursday evenings. Helps set up and/or tear down check-in stations and the room. Greets and welcomes guests.
A/V Team - Arrives early on either Thursday mornings or Thursday evenings. Assists with audio/visual needs during teaching. Training will be provided.
Email if you have any questions about serving in this area.
Re:generation is a safe place to grow in the high call of following Jesus. At re:generation, we walk through the 12-steps along with participants and point them towards hope and healing in Christ. Volunteer roles are available to help with setup, coffee, and greeting.
As volunteers serve regularly on Tuesday nights and are involved with the re:generation ministry, increased levels of shepherding and leadership become available.
If you are not familiar with re:generation, we would love for you to come check out our ministry on Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM.
Please email if you have questions about serving with re:generation.
Our desire is to be a place where students can be known and accepted, taught about Jesus, and challenged to grow.
We believe life change happens best in the context of relationships, so our leaders play a strategic role in the discipleship of students. Those serving with us are considered pastors of their own small churches, entrusted with shepherding the flock under their care and living lives worthy of imitating (Heb 13:7, 1 Thess. 2:8).
Serving in Student ministry is an excellent opportunity to see God do amazing things in the life of students, be challenged to grow in the gifts that God has given you, and be connected to a body of believers on mission for God’s glory. Opportunities to serve in student ministry are the following:
Small Group Leader – Disciples a small group of students. Models full devotion to Christ that students will follow.
Welcome Desk – Greet students and families between the 9 and 11 am services on Sundays. Helps register new students to connect them with a small group. Connects new families with staff and small group leaders.
A/V Team - Arrives early to assist with audio/visual needs during teaching. Training will be provided.
Email if you have any questions about serving in this area.
Kids’ Ministry
Our goal in CityBridge Kids is to partner with parents to raise up the next generation of fully devoted followers of Christ. Each week, we provide safe and fun environments where kids learn about the God who loves them, while equipping parents with resources to engage their families around God’s Word. We’d love to have you join us!
Here are the serving areas available:
Preschool (babies – PreK)
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
3rd – 5th Grade
Elementary Programming Team (AV, music, drama, games)
Guest Welcome (greeting and register first-time guest families)
Buddy Ministry (serving with kids with special or additional needs)
Email if you have any questions about serving in this area.
Our goal in CityBridge Kids is to partner with parents to raise up the next generation of fully devoted followers of Christ. Each week, we provide safe and fun environments where kids learn about the God who loves them, while equipping parents with resources to engage their families around God’s Word. We’d love to have you join us!
The Midweek Kids team disciples kids while their parents are participating in midweek equipping and recovery ministries. We have serving opportunities available as preschool and elementary classroom teachers.
Email if you have any questions about serving in this area.
City Engagement Opportunities
Come make a difference in Collin County by serving with the CityBridge Urgent Care!
We are in high need of volunteers to join our clinic team to be able to be open our full hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 4 PM. Volunteers typically serve in 3 to 4 hour shifts weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
Click here to learn more and sign up to volunteer with CityBridge Urgent Care.
Serve those incarcerated and their families through our Prison Ministry. Kairos Prison Ministry uses the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families. Families and adults are encouraged to participate in helping us serve through providing prayer, cookies, placemats, and more.
Do you want to serve inside the prison? Join us for one of our monthly meetings here at CityBridge to learn more about ongoing initiatives. Meetings are typically hosted the 3rd Sunday of the month in Stage 5 at 1 PM.
If you have questions about serving with our prison ministry, please reach out to Jon Goodale at
Other Ministry Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in serving Jesus through our CityBridge Arts ministries. The areas to serve include musical worship and audio/visual tech support for both Sunday and midweek ministries.
To get started, please fill out our inquiry form at the link below. This will give us a great introduction to you and your background, skills, gifts, and testimony in Jesus.
After processing your application, we will be in touch personally to chat about next steps in your journey of faith and service to the body here at CityBridge.
If you have questions about serving with the Arts team, please email
Our Facilities Team members have a desire to meet tangible needs around our church so that we can continue to share the gospel and make disciples through CityBridge.
Unlike most CityBridge ministries, the Facilities Team doesn't operate on a regular schedule, rather we work on a project basis. Periodically, an email will be sent to everyone on the team about upcoming projects. Team members can then choose which projects align with their schedules and skill sets. Whether you can help by swinging a hammer, planting petunias, or feeding the people who do, we have a place for you!
If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, it is easy to get started. Simply click the link below and fill out the form. From there, you will be sent the latest project email so that you can get plugged in.
Have questions? Feel free to contact and we can help.
The Office Administrative service opportunity is during office hours, Monday - Thursday between 8 AM - 5 PM or on Sundays during our service times, 8 AM - 1 PM.
Our Midweek Admin/Reception Team helps host our office area by answering general phone calls and emails, helping ministries with administrative tasks and organization, and helping keep common areas ready to be used. If you are interested in serving, please fill out this form so I can learn a little more about you.
If you have questions about serving with the Office Admin team, please email
These areas are the most common places for new members to serve at CityBridge, but are not the only areas to serve. If you have a passion for a particular ministry that is not listed above, please search the website and contact that ministry directly. Any further questions can be directed to