Hebrews: The Better Discipline

Discipline can be a harsh word. Some of us think of a hard coach or being sent to our room. But Godly discipline is a wonderful thing. Like a parent caring for their child, God disciplines those that he loves. He corrects, guides, trains, and leads his children in the way and path they should go. God's discipline is designed to help his children grow as they draw near to them.

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the main thing God taught you from the message? How does that impact the way you see God, yourself, and others?

  2. What comes to your mind when you think about "discipline"? Describe a time in your life that God has put you through corrective discipline or perfective discipline.

  3. What has God shown you in seasons of discipline? Do you find it easy or hard to connect his love for you in those seasons?

  4. Is there anyone that you need to pursue peace with as a part of your sanctification process?

  5. What is one way you plan to live out God's word this week?