Partnering with parents to raise kids who know and love Jesus
Each week, we provide safe and fun environments where kids learn about the God who loves them, while equipping parents with resources to engage their families around God’s Word. We’d love to have you join us!
“We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders.” — Psalm 78:4
Our mission is to partner with parents to train up the next generation of fully devoted followers of Christ.
When You Arrive
As you drive on our campus, you will encounter enthusiastic volunteers ready to welcome you to CityBridge and point you to a convenient parking spot. Once in the building, you’ll see signage and more friendly volunteers who can direct you to the CityBridge Kids welcome desk.
At the welcome desk, our team will help you check in your kids and guide you to their classrooms. After admitting your child to class, you can grab a cup of coffee or tea and head into worship.
Safety and Security
The safety and security of your kids is very important to us. Volunteers and midweek staff must pass background and reference checks in order to serve with kids at CityBridge.
We utilize volunteer and professional security personnel, as well as security cameras throughout our kid’s areas to ensure the protection of kids on our campus.
We have an indoor play area for you to use throughout the week!
All Kids Ministries
Midweek Ministry
CityBridge Kids Midweek
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
CityBridge Kids Elementary
Infants - Preschool
CityBridge Kids Preschool
3rd - 5th Graders
CityBridge Kids Elementary