Calling all people to be fully devoted followers of Christ.
We’re excited to have you consider CityBridge Community Church as the place you want to belong.
Your church home is God’s provision for you - a spiritual family who can support, love, care for, admonish, and encourage you as you walk with Christ. Membership provides you with the community and accountability needed for you to grow and live out God’s unique calling and design for your life.
Steps to Membership
Step 1 - Membership Class
We are not a perfect church, but we do have a perfect mission. During our Membership Class you will have an opportunity to get to know CityBridge Community Church. We will share about the truth that scripture reveals to us regarding the Church and what it means to live on mission as a part of the CityBridge family. We will also give you an overview of the connecting, equipping, and serving opportunities available to help you believe, belong, be trained, and be strong in a life of ministry and worship.
Step 2 - Membership Workshop
We believe that every person is created in the image of God with unique gifts and talents. Not only that, but He has given each of us a story to tell of His grace in our lives. During our Membership Workshop, we will give you an opportunity to:
1) Share your testimony in writing and in person with a member of our team.
2) Identify and commit to an area of service.
3) Sign our Membership Covenant.
Step 3 - Community Formation
Life transformation happens best in the context of relationships. Therefore, one of the most important steps we take is to join a CityBridge community group. There are two ways to connect in community:
1) Form a community group organically with other CityBridge Members.
2) Attend a connecting event where we will introduce you to others who are also looking to form a new community group.