James: Tamed & Wise Tongue

Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can build up or break down. Not quite the motto we were told growing up. But according to James (and our own experiences), words are immensely powerful. They can bring life and blessing to those around us or break down and destroy. How we use our words matters. But nobody can tame their tongue. We need something outside of us to transform what is within us so that what comes out of us are words of life.

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James: Faith & Works

Martin Luther famously said, "Faith alone saves, but the faith that saves is never alone." As believers, our faith is shown by our good works in the LORD. This does not make us righteous before God, but it shows our righteousness before others. Faith without works is a dead faith, but a faith that gets to work blesses all those around you.

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James: Liking Some & Loving All

It is human nature to show favoritism to those most like you or most likely to benefit you. This is the sin of partiality. It is inconsistent and unbalanced love. James will give us four warnings about partiality as we continue our series. Finally, he will end with an invitation to truly love the way God loves. So who in your life have you thought less of and need to love more? Move towards them this week with the impartial love of Christ!

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James: Hearing & Doing

When was the last time you heard God's word and thought, "I have to go do that right now!?" Like a good dad, God desires us to not only hear what he has to say but actually do it. As we do God's word, it leads to freedom, blessing, and joy in this life. As we continue our series in the book of James, God will call us to not only receive his word but also respond to it. When we do, it transforms our lives as we love others in his name.

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James: Trials & Triumphs

All of us face trials of various kinds. Some of those trials come from the broken world we live in, and some come from our own brokenness. During trials, we are called to be steadfast in Jesus as we rely on him for wisdom. As trials come, temptation is soon to follow. When we remember the goodness of God, temptations and trials can become triumphs in our lives.

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James: Saved & Steadfast

Welcome to the book of James! James is known as the proverbs of the New Testament. James went from skeptic to servant to shepherd to sufferer. His whole life changed when he met the risen King Jesus. In this letter, James shows a picture of full devotion to Jesus. This is not a burden to win God's love, but the appropriate response and results of knowing God's love. This is the book of James.

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Easter: The Risen King

HE IS RISEN! Jesus is FULLY ALIVE. Because he is fully alive, we can be fully alive as well. As we celebrate his past victory over sin and death, we look forward to his future victory as well. His first victory over death was his own resurrection. His full and final victory over death is raising to life all who would believe in him. God has won the victory for you and wants his victory for you. This is why we sing and celebrate the risen King. He has won, and he will ultimately win again.

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Good Friday: The Anger of Jesus

What makes Jesus angry? Several times in the gospels, Jesus becomes angry. Yet, each time we see Jesus angry, it is always out of compassion for people. The compassion of Jesus leads to his anger over sin and always leads to action. When Jesus sees something hurting people, he always moves towards that hurt. When Jesus saw the ultimate thing hurting people, sin, he took our sin on himself. Our sin led to the death of Christ. As we sit in the darkness of our sin, the diamond of Jesus shines all the brighter.

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The Results of the Resurrection

What do you think about when you think about heaven? Is it a sky palace or a New Creation? Many of us have false views in our minds when it comes to eternity. God's heart is to create a space where He and His people can dwell together forever. It is a life without death, sin, weakness, or end. You will have real experiences, with a real body, on a real earth with our resurrected Christ. The resurrected life is a life with God in which we will be full of joy, full of peace, full of love, and fully Alive.

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The Reason for the Resurrection

Would you say your faith is firm or fragile? Many of us have a firm foundation in Christ, but our faith can feel a lot more fragile when our beliefs get intellectually or situationally challenged. God wants you to have a firm foundation in who Jesus is and what he has done. He has rooted our faith in the historical reality of the resurrection of Christ. When we see this, we see just how important the resurrection of Christ is and just how much of an impact it has on everything in our lives. If Jesus hasn't risen, then nothing matters. If Jesus has risen, then nothing else matters. As we build our life on his firm foundation, we find the life we were made for.

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The Reality of the Resurrection

How does the Resurrection of Jesus impact your life? As we start our series, Fully Alive, we explore how to find life in the one who conquered the grave. This 4 part series zooms into one central passage of scripture: 1 Corinthians 15. This is the clearest and most concise theology that Paul gives to impact of the resurrection of Christ, both now and forever. In the first 11 verses, we see the purpose, the proof, and the power of the gospel message. God wants you to find life in him. That only comes by being fully alive in the one who conquered death.

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Hope in Suffering

Suffering is a part of life. It is easy to grow weary when hardships are all around you. Yet, hope is the anchor in the midst of suffering. Where do you find hope in the hardships of life? When we walk with Christ, we have a living hope, a proven hope, as we are called to have an active hope. No matter the trial, Christ can take hardships and make them pathways of holiness as we hold onto hope in Him alone.

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As we close out our Worldview series, let's pause and reflect on what God has done and rejoice in what we trust he will continue to do. In this message, we pray through our three main worldview questions (What does the Bible say? How do we respond in humility? How do I love as an ambassador of Christ?). As we do, we posture our hearts before God to take next faithful steps in not just seeing the world but loving the world.

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Money and Possessions

Maybe more than anything, money and possessions reveal your heart. The world, flesh, and even the Christian culture pull us into believing that more earthly wealth or material goods will satisfy us. God is in the business of creating dependence and can use money and possessions to convict us to where we truly find our hope, joy, and dependency. Money and possessions are not evil. They are simply a tool that can be used to make much of you or much of God and the advancement of the gospel. The choice is yours. So let's take a step in growing in our ability to steward what God has given us.

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Perspective on Politics

What is the right perspective on politics? It's easy to forget a biblical lens when viewing politics when everything today is drenched in a political perspective. As believers, we must remember that God is sovereign, we have one king (though we live in two kingdoms), God created government to promote good and restrain evil, the government, church, and family have distinct roles, and the enemy would love nothing more than for Christians to put their trust in government and not God. When we have this perspective, we can examine our own hearts but also engage well with others. So when it comes to politics, let's pray, learn, vote, engage, and ultimately trust that God's got this.

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The Meaning of Marriage

Culture is downstream from the family. So goes marriages, so goes families, so goes communities, so goes cultures. God has designed marriages to be a firm foundation that leads to flourishing. When we continually confess and repent of our sins, forgive, and celebrate one another, we are able to walk in the fulness of what marriage was meant to be.

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Manhood and Womanhood

God made man and woman united in their humanity, equal in their dignity, and yet distinct in their sexes. The design is beautiful. The definition is simple. This makes the distortion of manhood and womanhood all the more devastating. Jesus has come to redeem everything, including biblical manhood and womanhood. Let's embrace, celebrate, and model God's design as he restores the beauty of manhood and womanhood in our lives and our culture.

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Partiality and Racism

How do you see groups of people? We have a tendency to group people based on externals and then assign stereotypes and value. This is the sin of partiality. Partiality is a rebellion against God. As Christians, we are called not to show preference based on externals but to serve people since they are made in God's image. God is creating a new family of God with people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, classes, and cultures. As we mimic God in reaching all people, the church becomes the beautiful mosaic it was meant to be.

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The Dignity of Life

As we continue our worldview series, we unpack our first topic: the dignity of life. We all have a tendency to see others through our own lens. When we see others through the lens of the world, we tend to value people based on what they can do for us. People then become a problem to solve, a point to validate your worldview or a pathway to your own self-advancement. But when we see people through the lens of God's word, we see people, not made in our image, but in the image of God. This means that they have dignity, value, and worth. When we begin to see people through the lens of Christ, we can love people in the name of Christ.

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Loving the World

Cultural topics come and go. With all the various issues that can capture the cultural conversation, we need a consistent lens to see any and all topics. As we continue our worldview series, we look at three questions to ask any issue of the day: (1) What does the Bible say about it? (2) How do I respond in humility? (3) How do we love others as ambassadors of Christ? With these three questions, we can not only see the world clearly but love the world as Christ does.

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