The Dignity of Life
As we continue our worldview series, we unpack our first topic: the dignity of life. We all have a tendency to see others through our own lens. When we see others through the lens of the world, we tend to value people based on what they can do for us. People then become a problem to solve, a point to validate your worldview or a pathway to your own self-advancement. But when we see people through the lens of God's word, we see people, not made in our image, but in the image of God. This means that they have dignity, value, and worth. When we begin to see people through the lens of Christ, we can love people in the name of Christ.
Family Discussion Questions
Read Genesis 1:27
What makes human beings different than all the other living things God made? We are made in the image of God.
What does it mean to be made in "the image of God"? We are special because God created us in His own likeness, to be similar to Him.
Read Psalm 139:13-14
When did God create you? Before you were born, when you were still inside your mom.
How did God feel about you when he was making you even before you were born? He loved you and valued you. He called you wonderfully made!
Does God say that all people are wonderfully made? Yes! God made all people wonderful; no matter their abilities or talents, God loves them, and we can too!
Group Discussion Questions
What was the main thing God taught you from the message? How does that impact the way to see God, yourself, and others?
How do you typically evaluate if a person is worth your time, energy, prayer, or effort? How is that alike or different from how God sees them?
Describe a time when you saw someone and purposefully went out of your way to avoid them. What was going on in your head and heart during this moment? Now, describe a time when you saw someone and purposefully went out of your way to help them. What was going on in your head and heart during that moment?
In what ways can you grow in seeing people through the lens of Christ to love people in the name of Christ?
What is one way you plan to live of God's word this week?