Perspective on Politics

What is the right perspective on politics? It's easy to forget a biblical lens when viewing politics when everything today is drenched in a political perspective. As believers, we must remember that God is sovereign, we have one king (though we live in two kingdoms), God created government to promote good and restrain evil, the government, church, and family have distinct roles, and the enemy would love nothing more than for Christians to put their trust in government and not God. When we have this perspective, we can examine our own hearts but also engage well with others. So when it comes to politics, let's pray, learn, vote, engage, and ultimately trust that God's got this.

Family Discussion Questions

  1. If you were king of everything, what is one rule you would make?

Read Romans 13:1-2

  1. Who does all authority come from? From God, he has put all authorities in their positions

  2. When we disrespect our authorities, who are we really disrespecting? We are disrespecting God because he put our authorities over us.

Read 1 Timothy 2:1-2

  1. What is something we can do to be helpful to our authorities? Pray for them!

  2. Who is our ultimate authority in all things? God made us, the world, and everything in it, He is the ruler and authority over everything!

Group Discussion Questions

  1. What was the main thing God taught you from the message? How does that impact the way to see God, yourself, and others?

  2. What do you think about when you think about politics? For example, do you typically see politics from a worldly point of view leading to anger or apathy? Or from a biblical point of view leading to prayer and trust?

  3. Which of the 5 points on politics do you need the most help believing?

  4. What are practical ways you can get more involved in your community and country to make an impact where you live?

  5. What is one way you plan to live of God's word this week?