The Reason for the Resurrection

Would you say your faith is firm or fragile? Many of us have a firm foundation in Christ, but our faith can feel a lot more fragile when our beliefs get intellectually or situationally challenged. God wants you to have a firm foundation in who Jesus is and what he has done. He has rooted our faith in the historical reality of the resurrection of Christ. When we see this, we see just how important the resurrection of Christ is and just how much of an impact it has on everything in our lives. If Jesus hasn't risen, then nothing matters. If Jesus has risen, then nothing else matters. As we build our life on his firm foundation, we find the life we were made for.

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the main thing God taught you from the message? How does that impact the way to see God, yourself, and others?

  2. On your own, list why the resurrection of Christ is so important. Use 1 Corinthians 15 as a starting point and then move to other parts of Scripture.

  3. In this past week, what impact has the resurrection of Christ had on our daily life?

  4. In what ways is your faith fragile? In what ways is it firm? What are ways you can firm up your faith?

  5. What is one way you plan to live out God's word this week?