Posts in Sunday Messages
Hebrews: The Better Faith

Does your faith mark your life? Faith is not wishful thinking, but an assured conviction of things hoped for but not yet seen. Faith is the fundamental way we approach God and walk with God. This is because faith and trust are the bases of any good relationship. So let's walk by faith and not by sight until our faith becomes our sight.

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Hebrews: The Better Relationship

We are experts in creating rituals, checklists, and rules to make sure we are "ok" with God. Yet, as we live under those old systems, we are only left exhausted and reminded that we are not perfect and still in our sins. When Jesus came, something utterly different was offered. He has ushered in a new relationship as he sits supreme and invites us into an intimate relationship with him.

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Hebrews: The Better Sanctuary

You may have heard it said, "Don't be so heavenly-minded that you are no earthly good." That phrase is simply unbiblical. We are called to be so heavenly-minded that we deeply impact the world today. Those with their minds fixed on things above end up making the most of their lives. As we continue our series in Hebrews, we see how Jesus has entered the heavenly temple, how his sacrifice has eternal significance, and that his second coming is assured. When we think of these things, it changes how we live our lives today.

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Hebrews: The Better Inheritance

We are in a middle of a section in Hebrews talking about how Jesus brings in the better covenant. A covenant is a binding promise between two parties. We are taking several weeks to walk through this all because there is SO MUCH that God is gifting us in this covenant. This week we get to celebrate the better inheritance we receive from God through his Son, Jesus Christ. This was purchased by his blood (i.e., his death and sacrifice). In his death, we receive an inheritance. In his resurrection, we receive.

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Hebrews: The Better Temple

Where do you feel the most 'at home'? Where is that? What does that feel like? The Hebrews had a word for this, "Shalom." This word meant "the way it should be." The Hebrews felt most at home in the Temple of God. It was here that they were reminded of God's provision as they walked in God's presence. These were hints of heaven and shadows of something greater to come. In Christ, we do not just get the shadow, we get the full substance of the way it should be. This creates in us a longing now as we anticipate what is to come.

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Hebrews: The Better Covenant

When something new has come, the old becomes obsolete. The people of God were a part of an old system of how they viewed themselves, the world, and how they related to God. But something new has come in Christ. A new way of seeing God, yourself, and others. Sadly, we can drift back to our old ways before Christ. But something new has come. A new promise, a new system, a new covenant between God and man. When the new comes, the old becomes obsolete.

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Hebrews: Don't Drift, Draw Near, Jesus is Better

Before we jump back into Hebrews, let's remember the heartbeat of Hebrews: don't drift away; draw near because Jesus is better. It can be easy to begin to drift, but drifting always leads to destruction in our lives. The pastor of Hebrews calls us to draw near to who Jesus is and what he has done because Jesus is simply better. When we focus on these two realities, who he is and what he has done, the only proper response to know and follow him with our lives. Welcome back to Hebrews. We are only halfway!

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How to Train

When was the last time you realized you needed to change? We are either moving towards Christlikeness or away from it. We do not get there by trying harder but by training faithfully. In 1 Timothy 4:6-16, we see the priority, plan, and progress of training for righteousness. So as we continue in the new year, let's train ourselves for Christlikeness.

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Sunday MessagesRob Barry
How to Change

'Tis the season for resolutions. It's the new year, and across the world, people are thinking about who they want to be and how they will get there. As we launch into this year, let's pause and look at what God wants us and how we can get there. It's not by willpower but by walking by the spirit and following God's will. Here's to the new year, and here's to being transformed by the word and will of God!

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Sunday MessagesGuest User
Rest in the Story: Culmination

What we do with the first Christmas will impact how we experience the second Christmas. When Jesus came the first time, it was as a baby in a manger. When he comes the second time, He will come as a King in all his glory. As we continue our series, Rest in the Story, we look at the culmination of all things where God returns, renders judgment, reverses suffering, restores all things, and reigns forever. These are the gifts of the second Christmas that Jesus will give to all who wait for him.

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Rest in the Story: Redemption

With the Incarnation, our story does not end in the Fall but continues with redemption. Redemption is a promise of freedom to those stuck in sin. It means to buy somebody out of slavery. That is what God has done for us. He has bought us out of slavery and set us free to live lives walking deeply with Him. The redeemed of the LORD declare their redemption and the redemption found in Christ.

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Rest in the Story: Fall

The beauty of Creation is met by the brokenness of sin and the fall. Sin has impacted, infected, and affected everything in God's good world. So what would God do in the midst of our sin and rebellion against him? He would come to us, seeking us out, and pursuing us despite our sin-stained lives. If you ever wonder what God would do to you in your sin, look to the incarnation of Jesus Christ. God desires to be Emmanuel: God with us.

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Rest in the Story: Creation

You are invited into a story that is written by God and marked by love. God so loves that he created the world with the height of his creation being his people. His heart is to be with us as we know Him and experience all that life has to offer in Him. As we start this series focusing in on the withness of God, rest in the story that God is for us and with us always.

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Laying a Foundation

It's time for a family meeting! As a church body, we are a family of God united together with one common purpose in Christ. Wherever we go, and whatever we do, we need wisdom to guide and direct our lives. Regardless of the good or hard of a season, God's people wait on God's provision, promises, and purposes before moving forward. So as we gather as a church family, let's pray for us to walk faithfully in what God has made clear and trust in areas he hasn't.

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Sunday MessagesKyle Kaigler
Hebrews: The Better Eternal Priest

Who is Melchizedek? A seemingly obscure person in the Old Testament is one of the most significant. The first priest in our Bible, Melchizedek, foreshadows the Final Priest in our Bible, Jesus. A priest is someone who stands between God and humanity. Jesus is the final high priest who is perfect, eternal, and promised. We have full and final access to God in Him. So draw near because Jesus is the better eternal priest.

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Hebrews: The Better Promise

What do you do between God's promises and God's fulfillment of those promises? Throughout the book of Hebrews, the pastor has shown us the wonders of God and the promises we can hold onto. But often, there is a gap between God's promises and fulfillment. In the between, we hold onto the trustworthiness of God, remember the examples that have gone before, and run to the presence of God through Jesus Christ.

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Hebrews: Warning 3: Dullness Toward the Gospel

What happens when we become bored with God? This is the first sign of becoming dull towards the gospel and entering into spiritual immaturity. Like any good coach, teacher, or leader, the Pastor of Hebrews uses inspiration, instruction, and intensity to help his church body become all they were meant to be in Christ. Dullness leads to destruction and devastation. But there is something more in Christ. So let's press onto maturity because there is always more in Christ!

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Hebrews: The Better Priest

All of us bring questions before God: Is he good? Can he be trusted? Is he worth following? God has answered this in Christ with an emphatic "YES!" Jesus entered into the lowest positions to sympathize with us. But then he stepped into his rightful position to lead us. In Christ, we have the perfect High Priest we can trust with our lives and follow him with everything in us.

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