Hebrews: The Better Sanctuary
You may have heard it said, "Don't be so heavenly-minded that you are no earthly good." That phrase is simply unbiblical. We are called to be so heavenly-minded that we deeply impact the world today. Those with their minds fixed on things above end up making the most of their lives. As we continue our series in Hebrews, we see how Jesus has entered the heavenly temple, how his sacrifice has eternal significance, and that his second coming is assured. When we think of these things, it changes how we live our lives today.
Discussion Questions
What was the main thing God taught you from the message? How does that impact how you see God, yourself, and others?
How often do you "think of things above" v. thinking of earthly things?
Who do you know who has been forgiven and loves much? How can you grow in your appreciation for how much you have been forgiven to love those around you well?
What does it look like to "eagerly await the coming of Jesus Christ?" What are ways you can grow in that anticipation?
What is one way you plan to live out God's word this week?