Hebrews: The Better Promise
What do you do between God's promises and God's fulfillment of those promises? Throughout the book of Hebrews, the pastor has shown us the wonders of God and the promises we can hold onto. But often, there is a gap between God's promises and fulfillment. In the between, we hold onto the trustworthiness of God, remember the examples that have gone before, and run to the presence of God through Jesus Christ.
Discussion Questions
What was the main thing God taught you from the message? How does that impact how you see God, yourself, and others?
What promises from God do you hold onto most often?
What do you typically feel or think while waiting for God's promises to be fulfilled? What do you think God is up to in having us wait?
How do the lives of Abraham and other believers who have gone before us help us hold onto God's promises?
What is one way you plan to live out God's word this week?