Hebrews: Don't Drift, Draw Near, Jesus is Better
Before we jump back into Hebrews, let's remember the heartbeat of Hebrews: don't drift away; draw near because Jesus is better. It can be easy to begin to drift, but drifting always leads to destruction in our lives. The pastor of Hebrews calls us to draw near to who Jesus is and what he has done because Jesus is simply better. When we focus on these two realities, who he is and what he has done, the only proper response to know and follow him with our lives. Welcome back to Hebrews. We are only halfway!
Discussion Questions
What was the main thing God taught you from the message? How does that impact the way you see God, yourself, and others?
Where do you find yourself drifting away from Christ?
What does it look like for you to draw near to Christ? How does that look with intentional time? How does that look throughout your day?
Spend some time thinking through the top 3 highs and lows of your life. Do you believe with the reality: Jesus is better? Why or why not?
What is one way you plan to live out God's word this week?