Rest in the Story: Fall

The beauty of Creation is met by the brokenness of sin and the fall. Sin has impacted, infected, and affected everything in God's good world. So what would God do in the midst of our sin and rebellion against him? He would come to us, seeking us out, and pursuing us despite our sin-stained lives. If you ever wonder what God would do to you in your sin, look to the incarnation of Jesus Christ. God desires to be Emmanuel: God with us.

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the main thing God taught you from the message? How does that impact how you see God, yourself, and others?

  2. What are your typical sin struggles? How do you typically respond to your own sin? Running to God or hiding from God and others?

  3. What does that look like when you hide from God and others? What would it look like to quickly run to God amid sin? What role do you believe community plays in your sin struggles?

  4. How do you think God responds in the midst of your sin? Apathetic? Angry? Annoyed? or Actively pursuing you?

  5. What is one way you plan to live out God's word this week?