Elementary // Self-Control Week 3
Memory Verse:
“A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.” Proverbs 25:28 (NLT)
Self-Control: Giving up my way and choosing God’s way
Teaching Truth
We can choose to honor God with our attitudes
Questions to Ask Your Child
Read Esther 4:5-17. How did Mordecai respond to Esther’s fear and doubt? Did God need Esther? (See verse 14) Why not?
Look at Esther 7:1-6. What could Esther have asked for? How do you see Esther choose God’s way instead of her own way?
Do you think God’s promises were ever really in danger? Was He going to win no matter what? Why do you think that?
Even if we don’t have perfect self-control, can God still use us? What is one way you can show self-control with your attitude and actions this week?
Anytime you’re in the car this week, take time to list off all the people, places, and things for which you’re grateful. You can even make it a game by trying to keep the list going until you get all the way to your destination! Explain how it’s easy to become fearful, discontent, sad, jealous, etc., when we take our eyes off of Jesus and all the ways (no matter how seemingly big or small) God has blessed us. We can fight the good fight by cultivating a grateful heart, which directly impacts our attitude! Be sure to take some time thanking God for who He is and all that He’s given you – especially the gift of His Son!