Jesus wants to invite you into the fullness of life both now and forever. There is coming a moment when we stand before God and must give an account of how we live our lives. So how can we use TODAY to prepare for THE DAY? As we look at Hebrews 4:12-13, we see how the word of God prepares us for eternity with God.
Read MoreWhere do you find your rest? For many of us, we think rest is simply leisure or relaxation. But biblical rest is so much more. Rest is experiencing all God has for us, both now and forever. Those who walk in rest are embracing God's promises, enjoying God's presence, and experiencing God's peace. The offer for this rest is for today. It's not something you can earn, only something you can receive in Christ alone.
Read MoreHow many people truly finish well in this life? Of those who were delivered out of Egypt, only .0003% did. 2 out of over 600,000 people actually finished strong in their faith. This warning is for us to continue to move through our journey with Jesus in faith in Jesus. Many of us spend our lives wandering through the wilderness, missing out on the fullness of Christ. God is warning us not to disbelieve in the gospel of Christ but to draw near because Jesus is better.
Read MoreJesus is better than Moses. Now for many of us, this doesn't feel like that big of a deal. But for the Hebrews, Moses was the greatest of all prophets and an example of faithfulness to God. For all the Moses is, Jesus is better. Moses had an assignment, and he was faithful as a servant. Jesus had an assignment, and he was faithful as a son. No matter your assignment, the call is to be faithful to the One who was faithful till the end.
Read MoreAs we wrap up Hebrews 2, the pastor of Hebrews is giving us five amazing truths about Jesus that are possible thanks to Christ coming as a human, yet still being fully God. This passage shows us that we have a God that understands the human experience. Jesus got tired, He got hungry, and He was tempted to sin just like us. But He did not sin and took our payment for sin, so we no longer have to fear the cost of sin: death—what a good God.
Read MoreHebrews 2:5–13 is a complicated passage, but the message is clear: Jesus is better because of His humanity. By entering our world as a human yet fully retaining His deity, He paves the way for humanity's salvation, he tasted death for everyone, and now Christ is not ashamed to call His Church "family."
Read MoreSo far, in the book of Hebrews, our author has lifted up our eyes to see Jesus. Now, as we move into chapter 2, he looks us in the eye and emphatically says, "Don't drift away!" It is easy to drift. It is natural to drift. It is dangerous to drift. We can drift towards licentiousness or legalism, passivity or performance, rebellion or religion. God wants us to walk faithfully in a loving relationship with God. This takes a moment-by-moment, daily reminder of the goodness of Christ and the joy of following him. So don't drift away. Draw near.
Read MoreJesus is the better messenger. He is the Son of God who fulfills the promises of God. He is the One who is worthy of worship and service. He is the eternal King and sits supreme over all. Jesus is BETTER. We are all tempted to drift back to lesser things. But when we truly see Jesus for who He is, we see God's primary message: He loves us. So draw near to Jesus because the better messenger has arrived.
Read MoreJesus is better. He is better than anything you can compare him to and anything that has come before. Yet, as we look at our lives, we can drift away from the person and work of Jesus. The book of Hebrews shines a light on Jesus. In the opening paragraph, we see seven reasons why Jesus is better. As we see him for who he truly is, we find the joy and life we were made for. The message of Hebrews is simple: don't drift away, draw near, because Jesus is Better.
Read MoreHow do we strengthen our faith? We seek the LORD. We often get stuck in our walk with Jesus. It may be because of ongoing sin, past wounds, getting content in our walk, or a bad view of God. Whatever it may be, the answer to how to continue to grow in your walk with the LORD is to seek the LORD. As we close our Psalm series, we look at Psalm 27 to see six tools for seeking God and strengthening our faith. The more we use the tools, the more we will see stories of God's grace and goodness in our lives and in the life of others.
Read MoreWe are called to grieve but as those with hope. But how do we do that? Psalm 77 gives us a window into how a faithful follower of God lamented the sorrows and pain of this world. He entered into genuine questions while lifting his eyes to remember the promises of God. The way to trust God's character today and his future promises are to remember his former mercies. So when life feels overwhelming and God feels distant, tune into Psalm 77 and listen to the soundtrack of lament.
Read MoreWhat are you afraid of? We live in a world where fear flies at us continually. What if there was a way to walk through fearful situations and experience peace and stability? In Psalm 46, we see that God is present and powerful in the midst of fear. When we trust this reality, though hard situations remain, we see God as huge and here to help. That makes all the difference.
Read MoreAs we continue our series through the Psalms, we have seen God's heart for humanity for his people to be blessed on his terms. Psalm 1 & 2 speaks on how we are to be blessed as we walk on the path towards and with God. Psalm 32, however, tells us what to do when we find ourselves off this blessed path. Confession is acknowledging that our path away from the LORD is sinful, while God's way with the LORD leads to life. Confession is not a beatdown but given to us by God to be a blessing. So let's courageously confess our sins before the LORD and celebrate his grace over us!
Read MoreWhat do you do when you see the chaos of our culture? In Psalm 2, the Psalmist looked up to the one truly in control over the chaos. When the world feels like it is bearing down on you, it is easy to be consumed by fear. Yet, in those moments, God calls us to look up, above the chaos, to Him. When we do, we can have confidence, compassion, and courage no matter the chaos around us.
Read MoreThe Psalms give us words to our emotions and language to our prayers and praise. As we launch or Psalm series, we are tuning into the soundtrack of Jesus' life. The more we dwell on this playlist, the more it shapes how we think about God, ourselves, and others. Psalm 1 begins with the blessed man and the path he is on. All paths lead you somewhere, and the blessed man meditates and delights in God's word, will, and way.
Read MoreWelcome to the Kids Service! This week we brought the Kids ministry to the main stage and got a taste of what our kids experience each week. Songs, dancing, skits, and the gospel is presented. This week we talked through the key idea of responsibility by looking at the parable of the talents. Responsibility is simply doing what God has called you to do. God has given us different gifts (time, talents, and treasure) to steward for his glory. When we are responsible for what God has given us, it is for our good as we bring him glory.
Read MoreThere is no better way to close out the book of James than prayer. Prayer always connects with God as we bring our joys, pains, fears, hopes, and desires before the throne of grace. Regardless of your situation, prayer is the best and right response.
Read MoreWhat do we do between now and the return of Christ? James tells us to be patient. Patient means "long-suffering." Then, Jesus will return, and we will give an account to him of how we stewarded our lives. So we look to the farmer, the prophets, and Christ to grow in our ability to suffer well as we wait for our salvation to come.
Read MoreIf you want to know how you are doing in your walk with Jesus, take a quick look at how you spend your time and what you spend your money on. Planning and profits are not sins, but presumption is. When we omit God from our time and money, we fall into the self-focused sin of finding security in our plans and money. Putting God in the center allows us to walk in the freedom that God has for us.
Read More"If my kids would just...", "If my spouse would just...", "If my boss would just..." When there is conflict, we naturally blame others. We think outside of ourselves and blame others. But what if the problem isn't outside of you but within you? What if you are the problem? In James 4, we see that the root of our conflicts is a selfish desire to be our little god. So if the problem is within us, then the answer must be something outside of us. God deeply loves his people and desires them to have life abundantly. We are the problem, but God is the solution. We humbly submit to his will and way as he offers his love and grace.
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