Hebrews: The Better Messenger
Jesus is the better messenger. He is the Son of God who fulfills the promises of God. He is the One who is worthy of worship and service. He is the eternal King and sits supreme over all. Jesus is BETTER. We are all tempted to drift back to lesser things. But when we truly see Jesus for who He is, we see God's primary message: He loves us. So draw near to Jesus because the better messenger has arrived.
Discussion Questions
What was the main thing God taught you from the message? How does that impact the way to see God, yourself, and others?
What messages or messengers do you typically listen to give you guidance and direction? How do these fall short of Jesus Himself
Which of the seven Old Testament Quotes stood out to you most? Why?
How can you draw near and listen to Jesus this week?
What is one way you plan to live out God's word this week?