Hebrews: The Better Human
Hebrews 2:5–13 is a complicated passage, but the message is clear: Jesus is better because of His humanity. By entering our world as a human yet fully retaining His deity, He paves the way for humanity's salvation, he tasted death for everyone, and now Christ is not ashamed to call His Church "family."
Discussion Questions
When life gets difficult, where do you look to find comfort?
Where are you living "incarnationally?" What do you need to do to simplify your life so you can be around more people who need to hear about Jesus?
How are you doing at living sacrificially? Where do you see room for growth in how you love your spouse, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc.?
In what ways do you look more like Christ because you are connected to others in the church, God's family?
What is one way you plan to live out God's word this week?