We're in week two of our 'RELATE(ABLE)' series, we explore the vital topic of conflict resolution in relationships. Just as God reconciled with us, we are called to resolve conflicts in our lives. Conflict isn't inherently bad; it's an opportunity to grow, honor God, and strengthen relationships. We must recognize our part in conflicts, often stemming from selfishness, pride, or gossip, and own our role in resolving them. Jesus' teachings in Matthew 18 provide a clear path for resolving conflicts: address issues privately, involve others if needed, and seek reconciliation with humility and grace.
Read MoreThis week, David Marvin walks us through Ephesians 4:1-16 where Paul spends time talking to the believers in Ephesus about living out their faith in response to what Christ did on the cross. We see the pivotal role each believer plays in the church, challenging us not to live in isolation or complacency when we are called to play our part in the symphony of God's people.
Read MoreThis week, Josh Fortney challenges us to consider how we respond to the new life we have in Christ, urging us to move beyond merely celebrating Easter and Christmas once a year to celebrating the new life we have in Jesus in the way we live daily. Drawing parallels to significant life transitions, such as welcoming a new child or starting a new job, Josh explores Acts 1 & 2 to address the question: "Now what?" the question the disciples had after the Holy Spirit fell upon them. He walks through practical ways believers can actively live out their faith after hearing the greatest news.
Read MoreWelcome to Easter Sunday at CityBridge as we rejoice in the greatest news: He is Risen! Today, David Marvin highlights how Jesus welcomes both the desperate and the doubting, as demonstrated through Mary Magdalene's encounter with Jesus at the empty tomb and Thomas' doubt and subsequent encounter with Jesus. The Resurrection changes everything, offering hope, redemption, and a new perspective on life to all who believe.
Read MoreWelcome to the second week of our "Good News" series! Today, David Marvin highlights three stories from Mark 5, revealing Jesus as powerful, personal, and purposeful. From healing the possessed man to restoring the woman with a bleeding condition for 12 years and resurrecting the distressed father's daughter, these narratives underscore how Jesus is powerful over our problems, desires a personal relationship with us, and He is purposeful even in our pain.
Read MoreWelcome to the first week of our "Good News" series! Today, David Marvin is reading through John 3:1-17, where we encounter the pivotal interaction between Jesus and Nicodemus. We trace Nicodemus's journey from confusion about how God's heart is for everyone and that everyone gets to God the same way, to truly comprehending what it means to be a follower of Jesus. We're reminded that the issue is not whether you behave; rather, have you trusted in Jesus as your Savior?
Read MoreWelcome to the final week of our Colossians series! Today, we're diving into Colossians 4:7-18, exploring the redemptive story of Onesimus, a runaway slave who becomes a faithful servant. This narrative serves as a powerful reminder that we are called to be reconciled with God and others, emphasizing the truth that no past is more powerful than God's forgiveness. David Marvin challenged us to reflect on our relationships, prompting us to consider the question, "Is there someone we need to forgive?"
Read MoreWelcome to the second to last week of our Colossians series! We're in Colossians 4:2-6, and this passage stresses the importance of being both a People of Prayer and a People that Share. Matt Wideman will share personal experiences about the challenges and rewards of prayer and the transformative power prayer has had in his life, especially during difficult times like his wife's battle with cancer.
The passage also discusses the significance of sharing the gospel with outsiders, urging us to approach conversations with wisdom, grace, and a genuine desire to connect others with the love of Christ. Let's take steps to prioritize intimacy with Jesus through prayer and to actively seek opportunities to share the gospel with those around us!
Read MoreWelcome to week eight of our Colossians series! This week we're in Colossians 3:18–4:1, and it's all about the "house rules" as followers of Christ. It's like a guidebook for living well. We're going to see how spouses, parents, and workers are supposed to live in light of being Christ-followers.
The main idea is that we should treat everyone with care and kindness, whether we're at home or work. The Bible says we should love each other and work hard, not just for rewards here on Earth, but to please God. So, let's remember to be kind and loving in everything we do, whether it's at home with our families or at work with our co-workers!
Read MoreIt's week seven in our Colossians series, and this week, we see something powerful about our position in Christ and how it impacts our ability to change. If you're feeling stuck, maybe it's time to explore that deeper transformation together. Journey with us through this and discover the lasting change we're longing for.
Read MoreWelcome to week six of studying the book of Colossians! This Sunday, David Leventhal went through verses 2:16-23, reminding us that in Him we're free!
Read MoreWelcome to week five of studying the book of Colossians! This Sunday, David Leventhal went through verses 2:6-15 reminding us that we have ALL we need in Jesus.
Throughout this series, you'll see the theme of the book: The All-Sufficiency of Christ—Seeing Him Clearly, Included in Him Completely, and Walking in Him Freely. Join us to understand its historical, cultural, geographical, literary, and thematic contexts, setting the stage for a profound exploration of the sufficiency of Christ.
Read MoreWelcome to week four of studying the book of Colossians! This Sunday, Kyle Kaigler went through verses 1:24-2:5, emphasizing the importance of placing Jesus at the center of our lives and that settling for anything less is akin to settling for a scratch-and-sniff version of Christ's true richness.
Read MoreWelcome to week two of studying the book of Colossians! This Sunday, we went through verses 3-14, learning about the transformative power of the gospel, emphasizing gratitude for others' faith and love, the importance of prayer for increased faith and maturity, and expressing thanksgiving for all that the gospel has accomplished. The analogy of wearing a new jersey represents the believers' identification with Team Jesus and the profound changes brought about by the gospel in their lives.
Read MoreWelcome to week two of studying the book of Colossians! This Sunday, we went through verses 3-14, learning about the transformative power of the gospel, emphasizing gratitude for others' faith and love, the importance of prayer for increased faith and maturity, and expressing thanksgiving for all that the gospel has accomplished. The analogy of wearing a new jersey represents the believers' identification with Team Jesus and the profound changes brought about by the gospel in their lives.
Read MoreWelcome to our new series on Colossians!
This week we're doing a big overview of the book, and as we go, we'll unravel the mysteries behind its writing, addressing questions about the authorship, the intended audience, and the potential challenges faced by the early believers in Colossae.
Throughout this series you'll see the theme of the book: The All-Sufficiency of Christ—Seeing Him Clearly, Included in Him Completely, and Walking in Him Freely. Join us to understand its historical, cultural, geographical, literary, and thematic contexts, setting the stage for a profound exploration of the sufficiency of Christ.
Read MoreBefore we look forward to 2024 and all that God has for us, we wanted to take a look back at 2023 and see how God was working in our midst this year.
Check out this discipleship resource as we don't have in-person services on Sunday, December 31. We pray that 2024 is a year where you know and experience God's unending, unchanging, eternal love for you.
Read MoreMerry Christmas! We are wrapping up our Christmas Tree series by looking at the theme of hope during Christmas, tracing its interruptions through history. As we look back on Jesus's family tree, we end with Mary, and we see how hope disrupted her plans with the unexpected birth of our Savior.
The message concludes by highlighting hope for all people, symbolized by the Magi from the East, and connects the Christmas tree to the cross, symbolizing the profound hope brought through the Savior's sacrifice.
Read MoreWelcome to week three of our series, the Christmas Tree, where we're digging into the family tree of Jesus. Meet David, a legendary figure mentioned in Matthew 1, and find out why he's so crucial to Jesus's family tree. We're talking about his ups, his downs, and everything in between.
This week, we're unpacking some life lessons from David's journey—like how our choices have consequences, why having honest friends matters, and the fact that no matter what mess we make, God has an unconditional covenant with His Church, and He will never leave us. This message is all about the real, messy, and beautiful side of Christmas.
Read MoreThroughout The Christmas Tree series, we will explore four surprising stories in Jesus' family tree found in Matthew 1:1-6. This week is the story of Ruth, the most romantic story amid the darkest moment in Isreal history, the period of Judges. David plays the movie, walking us through the entire book of Ruth, showing us how God is at work both then and now.
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