Things You Never Learned In School

Sermon Notes

This week, David Marvin walks us through Ephesians 4:1-16 where Paul spends time talking to the believers in Ephesus about living out their faith in response to what Christ did on the cross. We see the pivotal role each believer plays in the church, challenging us not to live in isolation or complacency when we are called to play our part in the symphony of God's people.

Key Takeaways

  • Pursue Unity 

  • Serve With Our Gifts 

  • Forge Godly Community

    Discussion Questions

  • How can we identify our spiritual gifts, and what opportunities exist within our church community to utilize them?

  • Consider the importance of being connected to a local church community. How has being a part of a church family impacted your spiritual growth and relationships?

  • Discuss the importance of fighting for unity and not giving up even when things get hard. 

  • Share times when you've experienced conflict in relationships. How did you handle these situations, and what were the outcomes? How could you have handled it with more humility, gentleness, and patience?

  • Reflect on the statement, "Living for your agenda and comfort is foolish." How can you shift your focus away from complacency towards living for God's agenda and the greater good of the church?

  • How can next week look different for you in light of the sermon and ready Ephesians 4:1-16? Are there any areas you need to take action in, whether it be having a conversation with someone you're in conflict with, taking a spiritual gifts test and finding a place to serve, or joining a community group?