The Early Church's Favorite Song
Sermon Notes
Welcome, CityBridge Family! We are continuing in 1 Timothy this morning, where we have spent the last eight weeks reading about Paul's instruction on the law and grace, his own conversion, false teachers, the reach of salvation, the roles of men and women in the church, and the qualifications for elders and deacons—all pointing to the importance of protecting the integrity of the gospel. This Sunday, David Lenventhal is leading us through 1 Timothy 3:14-16, where we are reminded that Jesus Christ is the foundation, the message, and the mission of His church.
To help you reflect and apply this truth, we've provided a weekly reading plan with discussion questions. You can find it on the CityBridge App to follow along. Worship Set List →
Key Points
Jesus Is the Foundation and Focus of Our Mission
Jesus Is the Substance of Our Message
Our Lives Should Reflect the Truth of Christ in Both Word and Action
Discussion Questions
We are reminded of the love God shows us; He moves toward us in our sin and brokenness. How are you doing at loving those who may be hard to love?
How are you doing at living a life worthy of the calling with which we've been called and sharing the reason why our lives look like that?
How are you personally contributing to the mission of the church in your daily life?
Would your friends, coworkers, and neighbors say that you are marked by the qualities of a Christ follower, or would they be surprised?