Elementary // Wisdom Week 3

Memory Verse:
“But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.” James 3:17 (NLT)


Wisdom: An understanding of God’s truth that guides my actions

Teaching Truth

Wisdom guides us in all situations

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Genesis 39:1-6. Who was responsible for blessing Potiphar’s house? (God gave Joseph wisdom to run the house well & blessed his work) 

  2. Read Genesis 39:19-23. Who helped Joseph while he was in prison? How? (God gave Joseph the wisdom to help run the prison and take care of other prisoners.) 

  3. Read Genesis 40:8. Who did Joseph give the credit to when Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker needed their dreams interpreted? How do you know Joseph didn’t rely on his own wisdom? (He gave God the credit and knew the Lord was with him.) 

  4. Read Genesis 41:14-16. How did Joseph show that he relied on God for wisdom? (He kept giving God the credit and he shared with Pharaoh the wisdom God gave him.) 

  5. Read Genesis 41:37-44. What did God do for Joseph through Pharaoh? (Pharaoh made him 2nd in command in all of Egypt. Joseph went from the dungeon to the palace!) 


Throughout his life, Joseph gave God credit for giving him wisdom and taking care of him. What are some things you are really good at? Spend time talking with your family about how you can give God credit for those things, even when you’re tempted to trust your own wisdom or take credit for yourself. You can even spend time celebrating and thanking God for the things you see in each other’s lives.