Elementary // Wisdom Week 4

Memory Verse:
“But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.” James 3:17 (NLT)


Wisdom: An understanding of God’s truth that guides my actions

Teaching Truth

Seeking wisdom leads us to trust in Jesus

Questions to Ask Your Child


  1. Who did Jesus find along the road? (A blind man) What did Jesus do for the man? (He healed his blindness.) What had the man done to deserve this kindness? (Nothing, he was helpless. Jesus found him and healed him. Really, all of us are helpless until Jesus finds us.) Why had all this happened? (So Jesus could show the power of God.) 

  2. Did the Pharisees have knowledge? (Yes – They knew a lot of facts.) Did they have godly wisdom? (No – They knew ABOUT God but they didn’t let God or His Word guide their actions.) Do you think the Pharisees were searching for wisdom? (No, they thought they were wise by themselves and didn’t think they needed God’s help.) 

  3. What question did Jesus ask the man when He found him again? (Do you believe in the Son of Man?) Who is the “Son of Man?” (In the Old Testament, this title was used to describe the Messiah, Savior, the one from God – Jesus called Himself the “Son of Man” often) 

  4. Using just his knowledge, did the man have a complete view of who Jesus really was? (No. He just knew what Jesus had done for him and that the Pharisees’ knowledge couldn’t explain it.) How did the man respond when he finally had the right view of who Jesus was? (He believed and worshipped Jesus!)  


Make up hand motions to help you memorize this month’s memory verse (James 3:17 NLT). Once you have it down, try to sing the memory verse to the tune of whatever song comes on the radio next. Keep playing until you find a song that fits!