Elementary // Wisdom Week 2

Memory Verse:
“But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.” James 3:17 (NLT)


Wisdom: An understanding of God’s truth that guides my actions

Teaching Truth

God gives us wisdom when we ask

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. READ 1 KINGS 3:3-9. How did God talk to Solomon? (In a dream) What did God tell Solomon he could ask for? (Anything he wanted) 

  2. Look at verses 7-9. What did Solomon ask for? (Wisdom) Why did he ask for wisdom? (He was humble and knew he was young and didn’t have all the answers. He knew he needed God’s wisdom to help lead the people of Israel well.)    

  3. READ 1 KINGS 3:10-15. What was the Lord’s response to Solomon’s request? (He was pleased when Solomon asked for wisdom and gave it to him.) Why was God pleased when Solomon asked Him for wisdom? (Solomon’s request wasn’t selfish. He didn’t ask to be rich and famous. He realized he needed God and couldn’t rule a country by himself.) 

  4. What else did God give Solomon besides wisdom? (Riches and honor and power) Does this mean we’ll always get riches and power when we ask God for wisdom? (No. God doesn’t guarantee this to every person who asks. However, God is good and loves us so He will give us what we need.) 


God talked to Solomon in a dream. How can you and I talk to God? (In prayer) When and how often can we pray? (We can talk to God anytime!) How does it make you feel knowing you can talk to the Creator of the universe anytime you want? Spend time with your kids talking to Him now, before you go to sleep.