Preschool – Jesus Calms the Storm

Memory Verse:
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. — Psalm 139:14

Scripture Reference

Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25 (Jesus Storybook Bible p. 334-339)

Teaching Truth

  • A miracle is something wonderful only God can do.

  • Jesus has power over nature because He is God.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  • What is a miracle? (Something wonderful only God can do.)

  • What did Jesus do to stop the storm?

  • Why do you think the disciples were afraid?

  • How can you trust Jesus even when you are afraid?

Family Activity

Grab a laundry basket and several stuffed animals or dolls. Have your child pretend to be Jesus asleep in the boat by curling up in the bottom of the basket. Place the stuffed animals around him and gently start to rock the basket as if it was on the waves. Rock the “boat” fast and make thunder noises. Have your child wake up and calm the waves, just as Jesus did. Talk about how Jesus performed a miracle when He calmed the storm and that a miracle is something wonderful only God can do.


With each lesson, help your child apply what they have learned by asking, “What do you think God wants us to learn from this story?” If you get stuck with finding the answer, refer to the weekly Teaching Truths.