Elementary // Kindness Week 1

Scroll down for this week’s family worldview questions.

Memory Verse:
"Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” – EPHESIANS 4:32 NLT


Kindness: An action that shows you care.

Teaching Truth

Receiving God’s kindness helps us be kind to others.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Luke 7:36-50 together. Who was more grateful in the story Jesus told? Why?

  2. Was Simon any better than the woman? What did they both need? What do we all need?

  3. Read Titus 3:4-6. How did God show His kindness to us? Can we do anything to deserve His kindness? Why not?

  4. How can knowing how kind God has been kind to you help you care for others?


As you are preparing your family for the day tell them that they have a MISSION! Get them excited about this mission and rally them like they are secret agents with the most important mission EVER! The mission is KINDNESS. Tell them to find as many ways as they can to be kind throughout the day and tell them to be ready to share them in the evening. (Don’t forget to follow up that evening!)


Family Worldview Questions - Racism & the Sin of Partiality

  • What are all the ways you can think of that people are different from one another? Different heights, different skin color, different genders, different eyes and hair, etc.

  • Do you sometimes have a hard time loving others that are different from you? Why? Answers will vary.

  • What are some ways that all people are the same?  Answers will vary. We were all made by God in His image.

Read Ephesians 2:18-22

  • How can all the different people of the world become one family? Through Christ we are made one people. Through His death on a cross to pay for our sins and His resurrection three days later, Jesus made a way for us to be part of God’s family by believing in Him.

Read Revelation 7:9-10

  • When Jesus comes back, what will God’s family look like? God’s family will be every nation, tribe, people, and language standing together praising and worshiping God.

Read Matthew 28:18-20

  • If everyone can be part of God’s family, who do we need to tell about Jesus? Everyone! God wants everyone to be told about Jesus and how they can be saved, no matter who they are or where they come from.

Recommended Resources

“God’s Very Good Idea” by Trillia Newbell (Children’s Book)

Focus on the Family - Talking to Your Kids About Racial Differences (For Parents)

Focus on the Family - Celebrating Differences (For Parents)

The Village Church - Racism & the Bible (Recommended to watch with older kids)

The Bible Project - Justice (Can be watched with kids)