Elementary // Kindness Week 2

Scroll down for this week’s family worldview questions.

Memory Verse:
"Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” – EPHESIANS 4:32 NLT


Kindness: An action that shows you care.

Teaching Truth

We can be kind to people in need.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Luke 10:25-37. What needs did the man have? How did the Samaritan show kindness?

  2. What are some reasons you sometimes use to NOT show kindness to someone?

  3. Who are some people in need that you can show kindness to this week?

  4. What has God given you that you can use to show kindness to someone in need?


Practice Kindness. Look at this list of ways that we can take actions that show we care. Choose one or more of these things to do together as a family to show kindness.

  • Serve with Embrace Texas - https://embracetexas.org/volunteer-opportunities/

    • Take a meal or treats to kids staying in temporary placement

    • Write encouraging notes for case workers, officers, and kids.

  • Write notes for the staff and volunteers of our partners: Sigler Elementary, CityBridge Urgent Care, City House, Embrace Texas

  • Serve at local nursing home; play games with them, sing, take cookies and visit rooms

  • Volunteer at a food pantry: A Christian Food Pantry (Plano), Minnie’s Food Pantry (Plano), North Texas Food Bank (Richardson)

  • Take your local police station or fire station a meal or baked goods to tell them thank you

  • Offer to cook a meal for someone

  • Offer to babysit 

  • Ask an Elderly neighbor if you can come over just to talk 

  • Consider sponsoring a child from Compassion International


Family Worldview Questions - Gender

  • What do you like about being a boy/girl?

Read Genesis 1:27

  • Did God make you a boy or girl on purpose? Yes! God made boys and girls in His image and for His glory.

Read 1 Peter 4:10

  • Does God make all boys with the exact same gifts and talents? Does God make all girls with the exact same gifts and talents?? No! We are all made in God’s image, but he gives us different talents, and gifts and abilities.

  • Why does God give us different talents and abilities? So that we can use them to serve and love one another.

Take some time to affirm in your kids the things that you love about them and celebrate that they are a boy or a girl. Also share some things that you love about being a man or a woman.

Recommended Resources

Focus on the Family - Gender Identity and Transgenderism (For Parents)

God’s Design for Sex Series (Read with kids at age-appropriate times)

Gender-Healthy Kids, Gender-Wise Moms - Sue Bohlin at The Nest (For Parents)