Elementary // Stewardship Week 3

Memory Verse:
“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you.” Psalm 37:5 (NLT)


Stewardship: Honoring God with everything He has given you.

Teaching Truth

To honor God we steward our treasures.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read John 6:1-13. What “treasure” did the boy bring to Jesus? Did the boy himself have enough to feed all the people? What did Jesus do with the boy’s small gift?   

  2. How did the boy bring honor to God by stewarding his treasure well?  

  3. What kinds of “treasures” has God given you? Talk about a time you have stewarded your treasures well. What happened?  

  4. Does God’s power depend on the amount of treasure you have? Why or why not?   


Invite some friends or neighbors over for a meal that includes some of your favorite foods. Coach your kids ahead of time on how to be a good host to your guests and put on their servant hat! Later, when your guests go home, gather your family together for a little debrief. Ask your kid(s) how they felt about time with your guests. What was really fun? What, if anything, was hard about it? Ask them to think about the boy who gave his five loaves and two fish in John 6. What do you think was hard about giving away his lunch? How do you think he felt after seeing what Jesus did with it? Remind them that the “treasures” you have as a family don’t belong to you. They belong to God who asks us to be a steward of them to honor Him. Brainstorm other treasures your family has and how can you use those things to honor God.