Elementary // Stewardship Week 2

Memory Verse:
“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you.” Psalm 37:5 (NLT)


Stewardship: Honoring God with everything He has given you.

Teaching Truth

To honor God we steward our talents.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Tell the story of Daniel 2 to your kids. What talent had God given Daniel? Did Daniel use that gift to make much of himself or to glorify God? How?   

  2. Read Daniel 2:46-49. What did the king learn about God by seeing Daniel steward his talents well?   

  3. What talents has God given you? Consider how the king learned more about God through Daniel. How can stewarding your talents well teach other people about God? 


What skills do you have? Hold a family talent show, letting each person in the family show off their skills (singing, dancing, super-human-tricks, etc.). Make it fun, laugh a ton! Other than the talents you displayed in the talent show, what other gifts and talents do you see in your family? Take the time to point out talents and skills you see in your spouse and/or each of your kids. Then read Romans 12:4-5, which explains that gifts and talents were given to us for a special function to bless others. What are ways we have been or can be faithful stewards of the talents God has given us? (Help your kids see the value in the unique ways God has made them)