Elementary // Stewardship Week 4

Memory Verse:
“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you.” Psalm 37:5 (NLT)


Stewardship: Honoring God with everything He has given you.

Teaching Truth

To honor God we steward our troubles.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Acts 16:16-40. How did Paul and Silas steward their troubles for the Lord? How did God use them to spread the good news of the Gospel?  

  2. What is one trouble that you have in your life right now? It may be really big or something small. Share that trouble with your family. How does it make you feel?  

  3. Do you think God can use that trouble for good? Why or why not? How might He want you to steward that trouble to honor Him?  

  4. Think of a previous hard time and what you learned through it. How does remembering something you learned or how you grew, even though it was tough, help your perspective about your current trouble? 


As you are driving with your family, tell them to imagine that your car broke down and that you were stuck on the side of the road. Begin a brainstorm session of how you could steward that trouble for God’s glory. Think of ideas like sharing the gospel with the tow truck driver or counting all of your blessings as you are waiting for someone to pick you up.