Elementary // Stewardship Week 1

Memory Verse:
“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you.” Psalm 37:5 (NLT)


Stewardship: Honoring God with everything He has given you.

Teaching Truth

To honor God we steward our time.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Nehemiah 4 and 6:15-19. Who or what tried to distract Nehemiah from doing God’s work? How did Nehemiah respond?  

  2. How did the Lord show that He was in control of everything that was happening in Jerusalem? How did Nehemiah show he trusted the Lord? 

  3. What tries to distract you from doing what you should with your time? When do you waste time? When have you used your time well this week to honor the Lord? 


Make time this week to sit down with your family and make a schedule for each person. Ask your kids what responsibilities they have each week and what things they want to do, tell them to make a list of all these things. Print off a monthly calendar and help them plan out their week. Talk them through what days they should do each responsibility and when they have free time for leisure activities and rest. Have them write it on the calendar so they can see their plan for the week! Try this weekly, or plan for the whole month, but be intentional about asking how they are sticking to their schedule and help them to follow through.