Elementary // Respect Week 3

Memory Verse:
“Respect everyone and love your Christian brothers and sisters. Fear God and respect the king.” 1 Peter 2:17


Respect: Honoring what God says is true about Himself, others, and me

Teaching Truth

I can honor what God says is true about authority

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read 2 Kings 5 – Why do you think it was hard for Naaman to respect authority? When is it hard for you to respect authority? 

  2. Who are some authorities in your life? The greatest leaders are servants of all. Many of the authorities in your life spend time loving and serving you! Is there a leader in your life that we can spend time thanking God for this week? 

  3. Who is our number one authority? (God! God is our number one authority, so we follow Him above all else.)  


At dinner one night this week, pull out your Bible and read 1 Peter 2:13-18 together as a family. Talk with your kids about the reasons why we respect authority, according to God’s Word. God chose who your authorities would be, including your parents, teachers, coaches or bosses. When we respect the people God put as authorities in our lives, we are honoring Him. No matter what, God is the number one authority and in control of all things.