Elementary // Respect Week 2

Memory Verse:
“Respect everyone and love your Christian brothers and sisters. Fear God and respect the king.” 1 Peter 2:17


Respect: Honoring what God says is true about Himself, others, and me

Teaching Truth

I can honor what God says is true about others

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Mark 5:21-43. What are some differences between Jairus and the sick woman? What are some similarities? 

  2. Do you ever have a hard time showing respect to others? Why? 

  3. Think of a person whom you have had a hard time respecting in the past. How can you pray for that person this week?  


Sometime this week ask your family to share about specific people who are different than them that they may or may not know personally. Then discuss why it can be hard to respect or view them in the same way God does. Teach them how God has made us all different in lots of ways, but God cares for all of us the same. Pray with your family that God will change your heart and mind to view people the way He does.