Elementary // Respect Week 1

Memory Verse:
“Respect everyone and love your Christian brothers and sisters. Fear God and respect the king.” 1 Peter 2:17


Respect: Honoring what God says is true about Himself, others, and me

Teaching Truth

I can honor what God says is true about Himself

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Mark 14:32-36. How do you think Jesus was feeling? Why? 

  2. How did Jesus show respect for His Father? 

  3. Did Jesus trust His feelings, or did He trust God? How did Jesus know that He could trust God? 

  4. What are some truths from God’s Word that can help us remember that God’s way is always best? 


All elementary kids went home with a page of truths that God says about Himself in His Word. Read through this list of truths with your kids and ask them some questions about it. What are some of your favorite things God says about Himself? Are there any that are harder for you to believe? Why? Can you think of any more things God says is true about Himself? When we know and believe what God says about Himself is true, we can respect Him and trust that His way is always best.