Elementary // Obedience Week 2

Memory Verse:
"If you love me, obey my commandments." John 14:15 (NLT)


Obedience: Following God’s commands His way, right away, all the way

Teaching Truth

Following the Lord means obeying His way

Questions to Ask Your Child

READ EXODUS 20:1-11 (The Ten Commandments)

  1. What do these first 4 commandments have in common? (They all have to do with our relationship with God and how we can love Him.)

  2. God loves us so much He wants us to have a relationship with Him! In these first 4 commandments He is showing us what it looks like to do that. Look at each commandment and make a list of how we can show our love for God by obeying HIS WAY.

READ EXODUS 20:12-17

  1. What do these 6 commandments have in common? (They all have to do with our relationships with others and how we can love them.)

  2. Why do you think God wants us to have good relationships with others HIS WAY? Continue your list from question 2 above by looking at each of these commandments and writing out how we can love others by obeying God’s way.


Spend time this week as a family coming up with easy ways to remember the 10 Commandments. Make up a song, come up with hand motions, or think of some other creative way that you can keep these close to your head and heart as you seek to follow the Lord and obey His way.