Elementary // Obedience Week 1

Memory Verse:
"If you love me, obey my commandments." John 14:15 (NLT)


Obedience: Following God’s commands His way, right away, all the way

Teaching Truth

Jesus trusted His Father and obeyed Him

Questions to Ask Your Child


  1. Why was Jesus so upset? What did He know was about to happen? (He knew He was going to be arrested, beaten, and killed. Worse, He would suffer the wrath of God and full punishment for all our sins.)

  2. Was obedience going to be fun and feel good for Him?

  3. Look at verse 39. What did Jesus want most of all? (For God the Father’s will to be done.)


  1. What was Jesus’ ultimate example of obedience? (He gave up everything and died like a criminal on a cross.) Did He obey right away and all the way? (Absolutely)

  2. How did allowing Himself to be crucified on the cross show that Jesus trusted His Father? (He knew that the Father’s plan was perfect and that His sacrifice was the only way to save us from our sins so we can have a relationship with Him again.)


Use time in the car this week to learn or review the memory verse as a family (John 14:15 NLT). As you’re learning it, let each person explain what they think it means in their own words.