Elementary // Knowledge Week 4

Memory Verse:
Fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment. — Proverbs 9:10


Knowledge: Gaining an understanding of the truth.

Scripture Reference

Isaiah 29:13; Psalm 51:16–17; Romans 12:1; 1 Peter 3:15

Teaching Truth

Knowing God leads to a life of worship.

Questions to Ask Your Child

What God does not want: read Isaiah 29:13.

  1. Was God pleased by the “worship” the Israelites were doing? (No.) Why not? (They were just going thru the motions and saying things they didn’t really believe. They did the things that looked holy that they were supposed to do but they didn’t really love God.)

  2. How would you feel if someone told you they loved you and that you were important to them 1 day each week but ignored and forgot about you the other 6 days? Why?

What God does want: read Psalm 51:16-17.

  1. What do you think it means to offer God a “broken and contrite heart”? (It means we are truly sorry for our sins. We know God is perfect and holy and there is nothing we can do to earn His love. We know it’s only thru Jesus that we can have forgiveness and a good relationship with God.)

  2. How can knowing how much God loves you and what He sacrificed for us on the cross make us want to worship Him?

  3. How does it make you feel knowing God will never reject you if you come to Him with your “broken and contrite heart”?


Write each word of the memory verse (Proverbs 9:10) on an index card. Shuffle the cards together and see if you can put them in the correct order. Do it again, but time yourself to see how long it takes. You can even have a competition within your family to see who can do it the fastest!