Elementary // Kindness Week 3

Scroll down for this week’s family worldview questions.

Memory Verse:
"Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” – EPHESIANS 4:32 NLT


Kindness: An action that shows you care.

Teaching Truth

We can be kind to people who don’t deserve it.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Luke 15:11-32. Why did neither son deserve their father’s kindness? Which son do you relate to the most?

  2. How did the loving father show kindness to both sons

  3. How is God like the loving father in this story?

  4. Who in your life is difficult to love? What is one way you can show them kindness this week?


Create your own Kindness Alphabet together as a family. Then see how many letters you can check off your list this week!


Family Worldview Questions - Marriage

  • What is one of your favorite family memories? Or one of your favorite things we do together as a family?

Read Genesis 1:27-28

  • Who made the first family? God! He made Adam and Eve and told them to have children and start a family.

  • Why did God create families? To reflect God’s character, to be and make followers of God, and to take care of and rule over the earth for God’s glory.

Read Ephesians 5:25, 33, Ephesians 6:1-4, Proverbs 1:8

  • What is the dad’s special role in the family? To love his wife like Christ loved the church, and to raise his children to follow Jesus.

  • What is a mom’s special role in the family? To respect her husband and raise her children to follow Jesus.

  • What is a child’s special role in the family? To obey/honor their father and mother and learn from them.

Recommended Resources

Focus on the Family - The Purpose of the Family (For parents)

The Gospel Coalition - Teaching Kids About Marriage (For parents)

Focus on the Family - Building Family Identity (For parents)