Elementary // Joy Week 3

Memory Verse:
“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again - rejoice!” Philippians 4:4 (NLT)


Joy: Delighting in God in all circumstances

Teaching Truth

Because God is in control, we can have joy

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read 1 Samuel 2:1-11. What brought Hannah joy? What did she believe was true about God?

  2. What does God control? Is there anything He is not in charge of? Why can that bring you joy?

  3. When is it hard for you to believe that God is in control? Why?

  4. Who is an example of someone in your life who has joy even when things are hard?


Pick out a new puzzle for your family to put together. Start by giving your kids just one piece of the puzzle and ask them to tell you what picture you are going to put together. Then give them a couple more pieces and ask the same question. Start putting the puzzle together without all of the pieces or looking at the full picture on the box lid and ask them if they are having a hard time knowing what goes where and how it is all supposed to come together. Explain that life can be like that sometimes. We’re trying to make sense of things without all the puzzle pieces or seeing the full picture of how it works out. Thankfully, God knows the full picture. He’s in control, and He has a good plan. He also gives us His Word that tells us how everything is going to eventually come together when Jesus comes back and how to navigate life in the meantime. So, we can have joy knowing God is in control, and remembering that one day, we will get to be with Him forever in heaven. As you talk, you can show them the box lid and share the rest of the pieces so you can finish your new puzzle together!