Elementary // Joy Week 2

Memory Verse:
“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again - rejoice!” Philippians 4:4 (NLT)


Joy: Delighting in God in all circumstances

Teaching Truth

Because Jesus is alive, we can have joy

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Luke 24:35-53. What gave the disciples joy? What amazing thing had God done?

  2. Do you think Jesus was joyful when He appeared before the disciples He loved? Why do you think that?

  3. How did the disciples live out our memory verse for the month, Philippians 4:4?

  4. Why does it matter if someone believes Jesus is still alive? How can believing Jesus is alive today bring you joy?


While driving with your family, ask everyone to name a few things that bring them joy. Keep a mental list in your head and repeat what everyone said. Then, ask your kids if they believe that all of the things they listed would bring them joy forever. Ask them if they would want joy forever. Explain that the most joyful news in the world is that Jesus is alive today after having paid the death penalty for our sins! Because Jesus is alive, we can have joy!