Elementary // Joy Week 4

Memory Verse:
“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again - rejoice!” Philippians 4:4 (NLT)


Joy: Delighting in God in all circumstances

Teaching Truth

Because Jesus paid it all, we can be a joyful example for others

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Acts 8:26-40. What do we know about the man Philip talked to? 

  2. How was Philip a joyful example to the Ethiopian? What good news did he share with him?

  3. How would others say you’re doing at being a joyful example?

  4. Who do you meet during your day that you can be a joyful example to and share the same good news with that Philip shared with the Ethiopian?


As you are putting your family to bed for the night, review the memory verse together, Philippians 4:4. Ask your kids when they can be full of joy. (Always!) Where is our joy found? (In the Lord) Ask your kids if they can think of a time that might be hard for them to have joy the next day. Pray together for those times and ask God to help them have joy remembering who He is and all He’s done so they can be a joyful example for others, even when it’s hard.