Elementary // Image of God

Memory Verse:
"Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us." Genesis 1:26a (NLT)

Scripture References

Genesis 1; Revelation 7:9-10; Matthew 28:18-20

Questions to Ask Your Child


  1. What was the last thing that God created? (Mankind)

  2. What was different about God’s creation of man? (God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” God created mankind to be like Him in ways that the plants and animals are not.)


  1. This passage shows us a picture of something that will happen in heaven. What kinds of people are around God’s throne? (People from every nation, all tribes and peoples and languages.)

  2. Are all of these different people created in the image of God? (YES!)

  3. What do all of these people have in common? (They are all wearing white robes and worshipping Jesus.)


  1. Jesus says go and make disciples of whom? (All nations)

  2. Does Jesus love and want all different kinds of people to know Him? (Yes!)


God’s Very Good Idea

Read the book “God’s Very Good Idea” by Trillia Newbell as a family. (Or search for a video of someone reading it on YouTube if you do not have a copy.) Talk about how God created all different kinds of people in His image and how that makes all people very special. Talk about people you know and how they are different from each other: different hair color, different height, different skin color, different abilities. Help your child understand that all these people are valuable because they are made in God’s image.