Preschool – Old Testament: Ten Commandments

Memory Verse:
Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know. — Jeremiah 33:3

Scripture Reference

Exodus 19-20 (Jesus Storybook Bible p. 100-107)

Teaching Truth

  • God’s way is the best way.

  • Following the rules can’t save us, only God can.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  • Why were God’s people not happy?

  • What happened when God’s people obeyed Him?

  • What are commandments, and did God’s people follow them?

  • Why should we follow God’s rules?

Family Activity

Hopscotch: Head outside and use chalk to draw a hopscotch on the ground with numbers 1 -10. Help your child find a small rock to use while playing hopscotch. Have him gently toss the rock on a number and then hop to that number. Once he is at the number, have him say one of the 10 commandments. Continue until he has named all the commandments.  


With each lesson, help your child apply what they have learned by asking, “What do you think God wants us to learn from this story?” If you get stuck with finding the answer, refer to the weekly Teaching Truths.