Elementary // Generosity Week 2

Memory Verse:
The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. — Proverbs 11:25


Generosity: Joyfully sharing what God has given you.

Teaching Truth

God gave generously so we can too!

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Talk about how the believers were living in Acts 2. Parents, talk with your kids about how your own community group lives like the believers in the early church.

  2. Why do you think the early believers were so willing to give so much to each other?

  3. What are some things you and your family can joyfully share with others? If someone asks why you are generous, what would you say to them?


Try to brainstorm who you or your kids may know that could use a generous and loving friend. Who could you surprise with cookies, or encourage with what you learned in your ministry this weekend? Come up with as many names as you can and each chooses one friend to give generously to, whether it’s your time, your words, a gift, or a letter.