Elementary // Generosity Week 1

Memory Verse:
The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. — Proverbs 11:25


Generosity: Joyfully sharing what God has given you.

Teaching Truth

God gave generously.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Romans 6:23 and 5:8. What do we deserve because of our sin? Do we have to clean ourselves up to be good enough to receive his gift? Why or why not?

  2. Read John 3:16. What did Jesus do for us? Why did He do it? Why is He so important?

  3. Read Ephesians 2:8-9. Are “works” bad things? Can they save us? Why or why not? Why should we still do them?

  4. How would you explain God’s free gift of grace to a friend?


This weekend all of the elementary kids went home with a Thankfulness Calendar. God has given us so many different things that we often take them for granted. Every day this month, have every person in your family share one thing God has given them that they are thankful for and write them on the calendar. See how full you can get your calendar and be sure to praise God for how generous He always is with us.