Elementary // Fear Week 2
Memory Verse:
“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases Him, and love Him and serve Him with all your heart and soul.” Deuteronomy 10:12 (NLT)
Fear: Having the right view of God’s perfect authority, justice, and grace
Teaching Truth
Having the right view of God means understanding His perfect authority
Questions to Ask Your Child
Read 1 Samuel 24 - Do you think God made a mistake by making Saul king? Why or why not?
Who are some authorities God has placed in your life? Who is their ultimate authority?
Was there ever a time in David’s life that God was not in control? Why do you think that? What about your life? When is it hard for you to fear God and trust He is the perfect authority?
How does it make you feel hearing that God is always the one in control no matter what’s happening around you? How does that help you fear Him instead of your circumstances? (Note: Sometimes hearing that God is in control can bring up questions like, “Then why do bad things happen?” This is a question God is big enough to answer! There is plenty of scripture to address how we live in a fallen world that God will one day completely redeem after Christ returns a second time. Take a look at this helpful article that helps answer the question why bad things happen and how we can take heart, even still.)
Get a puzzle and take out some of the pieces. Give your family the rest of the pieces but don’t let them see the picture on the front of the puzzle box or know they’re missing pieces. Try to put the puzzle together. Is it easy to know where the pieces go if you can’t see the big picture or don’t have all the pieces? Who is the only one who knows all and can see how all the pieces fit together? God has perfect authority and knows the “why” behind everything that happens!