Elementary // Fear Week 1

Memory Verse:
“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases Him, and love Him and serve Him with all your heart and soul.” Deuteronomy 10:12 (NLT)


Fear: Having the right view of God’s perfect authority, justice, and grace

Teaching Truth

Fear begins by understanding God is all-powerful

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read 1 Samuel 17 – How did Goliath and Saul have the wrong view of God? What did David know was true about God? 

  2. How did God show that He was all-powerful and in control? 

  3. Does God promise that our lives will be perfect, and everything will be easy? (No)  

  4. Does God always promise to be with us no matter what? (Yes, because He is good.) 

  5. What reminds you of God’s power? What reminds you that God is loving and good? 


This week's teaching truth is: Fear begins by understanding God is all-powerful. We want kids to know that God is bigger, stronger, and more powerful than they can imagine and that He loves them more than they can understand. To help illustrate this truth, take time this week to have a scavenger hunt with your kids in your home. Have them look for things that are helpful and good, but powerful and must be handled correctly with care. Examples: Stove top, cleaning chemicals, candles or scissors. After they have found a handful of things stop the game and have them explain how the items they have found are good but powerful so they must be used wisely and carefully. Explain how God is all-powerful, but that He’s also VERY good and can be trusted. We, of course, don’t “use” or “handle” God (every illustration breaks down at some point); but understanding He’s holy, perfect, glorious, and all-powerful, therefore in control of His whole creation, helps us have the right view of Him.