Elementary // Bible Timeline Week 6

Memory Verse:
“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me.” John 5:39 (NIV)

Bible Timeline Eras

Church and Missions

Key Words

Commission, Apostles, Journeys, and Letters

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Acts 1:8 - What job had Jesus given the disciples to do? (To be His witnesses, telling others about Jesus)  Who were they supposed to tell about Jesus? (Everyone! People all over the earth) 

  2. The Missions era is the era we are currently living in! How can we be messengers for the kingdom of God? (Sharing the Good News with those around us)  Is it easy or hard for you to share the Good News with others? Why? 

  3. Read 2 Corinthians 3:3 – What do you think is the purpose of the letters Paul wrote? (To encourage, guide, and correct the followers of Jesus as they became God’s Church) How can we do this with the believers around us today? 


The Mission era talks about the gospel spreading all over the world. Someone back then told someone about Jesus, who told someone else, who told someone… x1,000… who told YOU! And it doesn’t stop there! If you choose to believe in Jesus, you become part of the mission, and God wants to use YOU to tell people, too! Parents, take some time to share with your kid(s) who told you about the gospel. Praise God for using that person to deeply impact your life. As a family, talk about people you know who may not have ever heard this good news. Or, maybe you know someone who has heard it, but refuses to believe. Take some time to pray for those people right now.

Check out the whole Bible Timeline with the era key words by clicking here! Have your child(ren) teach you the hand motions for each era and come up with a family challenge for memorizing the eras and key words!