Elementary // Bible Timeline Week 7

Memory Verse:
“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me.” John 5:39 (NIV)

Bible Timeline Eras


Key Words

Rapture, Restoration, and Rejoice

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – What does God say will happen to the believers when He returns? (The believers who have died will rise from their graves; the ones who are still alive will go up to heaven)  How long will the believers live with God? (Forever!)  

  2. How do these verses make you feel about the future?  

  3. Read Revelation 21:1-4 – What do you think it will be like when Jesus returns? 

  4. Reread Revelation 21:4 – Which of the promises (No more death, sorrow, crying, pain) listed in this verse are you most excited about? 


The Future era reminds us that, while many things to come may be confusing to us right now, we can know one thing for sure: Jesus is coming back! Pray with your child(ren) and spend time thanking God that nothing is confusing to Him, and that He is giving you time on earth right now to hear the good news about Jesus dying for your sins.

Bible Timeline Resources

Bible Timeline Overview - Click here for a Bible Timeline Overview! This document lists all 13 Bible Timeline eras with key words and a description of what happens during each era.

Bible Timeline Picture Icons - Check out the whole Bible Timeline with the era and key words picture icons by clicking here! Print the pictures, cut them out and come up with a family challenge for memorizing the eras and key words!

Bible Timeline Hand Motions - Watch the video below covering the hand motions for the Bible Timeline eras. Follow along and work with your family to memorize all of the hand motions!